Assign resources to tags

You can associate application-specific configuration, content, extension, security, and user data to a tag. You then create a local package by selecting one or more tags.

To assign resources to a tag, the tag must first be created in CSSP.

Resources can only be assigned to tags in an Active status. If the tag is in the Locked status, no changes can be made to its assigned resources.

Users must have the IONDeskAdmin role to assign resources to tags.

To view the list of available tags in Data Catalog, open the navigation menu in ION and select Configuration Management > Data Catalog Tags.

  1. On the Tags page, click the Details icon of the tag to update.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Select the resource.
  4. Select the identifiers of the resource to add.
    Note: You can only add items from a single resource category at a time. If you change the resource selection, the current selections are lost.
  5. Click Save.
Note: To delete resources from a tag, select the resources and click Delete. To confirm the resource deletion, click Yes.