Assign resources to tags

You can associate application-specific configuration, content, extension, and security to a tag. You then create a local package by selecting one or more tags.

Ensure that the CSKCSPTAG feature code is enabled for your Coleman tenant. Furthermore, only these security roles can be assigned to tags:

  • Infor-SystemAdministrator
  • ColemanDA-Admin

Users must have the ColemanDA-Admin role to assign resources to tags.

  1. Select Digital Assistant in the App or Navigation menu.
  2. In the Coleman side panel, select Configuration Management > Tags.
  3. Select the CSP tag to assign a Coleman tag.
  4. Click Add to open the Add Tags window.
  5. Select one or more options from the list of Coleman tags available.
  6. Click Add Tag. The selected tag options are displayed on the tag page.
Note: To delete a resource from a tag, select the check box for any resource from within the tag screen and click Delete. Deleted resources repopulate in the Add Tags window.