
You should understand these terms before you begin using Coleman Digital Assistant:
Term Description
API-based skill An advanced skill is used when the user interaction requires communication with a particular application. To communicate with an application, Coleman Digital Assistant uses the API endpoint deployed on API Gateway either to get application-specific information or perform a transaction.
API endpoint API endpoints deployed on an API Gateway are used by skills to communicate with the applications to perform a transaction or get specific information.
API flows A composite API built by chaining many APIs which can be used in an API fulfilment
Basic skill A basic skill is used to create the FAQ interaction. A basic skill does not require any back-end communication with other applications. This means the fulfillment does not call any API.
Build to test Build a skill to make the selected draft-state skill available for testing. Building a draft skill replaces any older skill versions in test state. The skill is moved to a test state.
Deploy Deploy a skill to make the selected test-state skill available for use. Deploying a test skill replaces any older skill versions in a deployed state. The skill is moved to a deployed state.
Deployed In the skill list data grid, a check mark is displayed in the deployed column if a copy of the skill exists in the latest deployed version of the deployed set of skills. For example, a skill can be in draft state, but if an older version exists in the deployed state, then the skill is considered deployed.
Deployed state Describes a copy of a skill that is available to users. This skill can be tested in the Try It Out panel and accessed in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le. Skills that are called in deployed state apply to the production environment.
Disable Disable a skill to remove any copies from test and published states. The skill is moved to disabled state.
Disabled state A skill that has been removed and is no longer available. It cannot be edited, built, or deployed.
Draft state Describes a copy of a skill that is not currently available to use or test.
Drill back skill A skill can take you to a particular screen within Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le using the drill back links. Or you can navigate to a particular website just by defining its address within a skill.
Enable Enable a skill to move it from disabled to draft state.
Fulfillment Determines how your skill runs and the fields that are required throughout the flow. Fulfillment types can be Basic or API.
Fulfilment Determines how your skill is executed and the end results are accomplished.
Intent Represents an action the user would like to perform using chatbot.
Skill A question, or a series of questions, that defines the interaction between Coleman Digital Assistant and the user to perform a business task.
Skill Chaining Invocation of a second related skill after the first skill is completed. You can pass values from first skill to the second skill.
Skill/Intent A conversational interface between Coleman Digital Assistant and the user designed to achieve a specific goal.
Slot/ Requirement User input variables required to fulfill the skill. Also known as dynamic variable which changes with every skill invocation
Test state Describes a copy of a skill that is currently available to be tested. Access this skill through the Try It Out panel. Skills that are called in test state apply to the production environment.
Utterance The phrases used by the user to invoke a particular skill.