Security roles

These security roles are available:
  • ColemanDA-User
    • Access Coleman Digital Assistant in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le and as a Infor Chat teammate.
    • View the Coleman Skills page, card view, and see all deployed skills that either have no skill security, or have included the user on the skill whitelist.
    • See skill details and summaries but cannot edit or perform a skill action.
    • View custom requirement types.
  • ColemanDA-Advanced
    • Access Coleman Digital Assistant in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le and as a Infor Chat teammate.
    • View the complete skill list view on the Coleman Skills page and view all skills of any status.
    • Add, import, export, edit, and build skills.
    • Access the Try It Out pane.
    • View, create, edit custom requirement types.
    • View skill security
  • ColemanDA-Admin
    • Coleman Digital Assistant in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le and as a Infor Chat teammate.
    • View the complete skill list view on the Coleman Skills page and view all skills of any status.
    • Add, import, export, edit, build, deploy, disable, enable, and delete skills.
    • View, create, edit, and delete custom requirement types.
    • View, modify, and import skill security info, if is attached to a skill.
    • Customize default help messages in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le.
  • ColemanDA-DataAdmin
    • Download user messages to Coleman Digital Assistant.
    • Delete user messages. You can remove them from the user interface or remove them permanently from the database.
    • Use this role to ensure General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance. To ensure GDPR compliance, user data must be portable and can be deleted at the data subject's request. Hard deletion must be enabled for this role.