Adding an API skill

An API skill uses an API call to send and receive information and run commands. This is the most complex fulfillment type.

Review any API documentation before defining your skill. For API Gateway information, access ION in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le and view the online help.

  1. Select User Menu > Coleman Digital Assistant.
  2. Click Add Skill.
  3. Specify this basic information:
    Skill ID
    Specify a unique identifier for the skill. Do not use numbers, spaces, or special characters.
    Specify a name for the skill.
    Specify a description for the skill.
    Specify the language that you are using to define your skill. English is the only language currently available.
  4. Click Next. Select API in the Fulfillment Type field.
  5. Specify this information:
    API Suite
    Select the suite that contains the required API. API Gateways are grouped into suites of related APIs.
    Select the Infor product for the API selected.
    Select API
    Click the look up icon to display a list of APIs in the selected API suite. Select an API.

    The list contains suites, method types, names, paths, and descriptions. The display does not contain the full list of APIs available. Run a keyword search to locate additional APIs.

    This field is defined based on the API selected. Optionally, you can specify a different path.
    Method Type
    This field is defined based on the API selected. Optionally, you can specify a method type.
    These fields are defined based on the API selected. Parameters can be found in the API Path or Query String. Optionally, you can specify a parameter or delete a parameter.

    After specifying the parameter, click the plus icon to add an additional line.

    Request Body
    This field is defined based on the API selected. Optionally, you can specify a request body.
    Response Body
    This field is defined based on the API selected. Optionally, you can specify a response body.
  6. Click Next. Specify this information for requirements:
    Specify a unique name for all requirements, requirement fulfillment response variables, and fulfillment response variables.
    Specify the data type for the requirement. For example, specify person, location, date, or item name.
    Specify at least one question to present to the user for the requirement information. For example, specify Which item? or At which location?. After you specify a prompt, click the plus icon to add the prompt.

    You can add up to 3 prompts per requirement. The prompts are provided sequentially if valid input is not received. The best practice is to rephrase prompts in a way that offers guidance or provides an example of valid input.

    If Coleman Digital Assistant cannot understand the input provided by the user after three prompts, the skill is ended.

    Requirement Fulfillment
    Specify a requirement fulfillment to fill information gaps or close a skill based on a requirement. You can use the requirement options icon to add a requirement fulfillment.

    For example, the query string parameter is an item GUID, but your end users only know the item name. You can use a requirement fulfillment to obtain the item GUID for an item name.

    Response variables that are defined in Requirement Fulfillment can be referenced in your skill.

    The prompts are presented to the user in the order that they are specified on the page. Drag and drop on the left-hand side or use the arrows on the right-hand side to adjust the order of your requirements.

    Match up your Parameters to some Variables
    If the API uses parameters, associate some of them with the requirements that are input by your user. Additionally, you can match to variables from context information. Select a Variable type and Name.
  7. Click Next. Specify this information for utterances and confirmation prompts:
    Specify at least one phrase that a user can speak to start a skill. Click Add.

    You can edit and delete the utterances. The order of utterances does not matter.

    Enable Confirmation Prompt
    Select this field if the skill requires a confirmation before execution.

    Include a confirmation prompt if the skill performs a permanent action. For example, deleting data or submitting purchase orders should generate a confirmation from the user. Specify how Coleman Digital Assistant should respond.

  8. Click Next. Specify this information for a response:
    Response Variable
    These fields are defined based on the API selected. Specify a unique Name for each variable. All requirements, requirement fulfillment response variables, and fulfillment response variables must have unique names.

    To begin building a path for the variable, select the look up icon to view the response body of your API. Locate the desired value and click the appropriate line in the response body. A JSON Path for that value is built for you. Click Select to specify this path as the variable Value.

    To reference a function in the JSON Parse text box, specify $ and select a function from the list. To reference a variable in the JSON Parse text box, specify { and select a variable from the list.

    Alternatively, you can manually specify a path. You can add, edit, and delete multiple variables.

    Response conditions
    Specify your response conditions.

    You can create various discrete response condition blocks and add multiple lines of conditional logic to each. Repeat this process to add more variables to the working block.

    Response conditions use sequential logic. Each logic block is evaluated in order and the response is based on the first one that applies. Drag and drop on the left side or use the arrows on the right side to adjust the order of your response conditions.

    The default response condition block at the bottom of the list cannot be moved or deleted. This response is provided to the user if none of the specified conditions are met and no error is encountered. This is similar to an else condition.


    Specify the action for the response. For example, Coleman Digital Assistant can respond with a message to the user that includes a response variable. Additional responses are navigating to a URL or ending the skill.

    Response Action Description
    Message The response is output as a message, text or voice.
    Navigate Navigate to the specified URL, favoriteContext URL, or secure external IRL.
    Stop Skill The skill is stopped.
    Repeat Prompt (Requirement Fulfillment Screen only) Prompt for the requirement again.
    IFrame URL An Iframe is opened in the chat response. The Iframe can contain a URL from within Infor's applications.
    Graph Expands fields to define x- and y-axis values to create a bar, line, column, or pie chart.
    Chain skill Passes information from the current skill to a next skill so the user can seamlessly run sequential skills.
    Table Displays fields for constructing a table of data.
  9. Click Next. View your skill on the summary page.
    The text view shows all your skill details on one page. The flow view shows the flow of the skill. Use the table of contents to jump to a specific page.
  10. Click Edit to return to a specific page and make changes.