Skill building cycle

This diagram shows the skill building cycle of a skill from draft status to deployment.

Skill states diagram

When a skill is added or imported, it starts in a draft state. You can edit and save changes to the skill. Because the skill is not deployed in a deployed state, you cannot invoke the skill through a chat or voice interface. To move the skill to a test state, select the skill in the skill list data grid and select Build to Test.

You can select and build multiple skills at a time if they are in draft state. If there is an error when building a skill, the skill is not built, and an error message is generated. Make your corrections and try again.

When the skill is built successfully, the state is changed to test. You can now access the skill in Try It Out panel. Coleman Digital Assistant interactions in the Try It Out interface do not affect the production environment.

If the skill is not ready to be deployed, you can continue to edit the skill. When you edit the skill, a copy of the skill is created in a draft state. Save your changes and then build the skill. After the draft copy is built, it replaces the existing test copy.

To move the skill into production, you can select one or more test skills and deploy them. If there is an error during publication, the failed skills are not deployed, and an error message is generated. Make your corrections and try again.

When a skill is deployed successfully, the state is changed to deployed. You can access the skill using the Coleman Digital Assistant chat window or the Try It Out panel in your production environment. When you edit a deployed skill, a copy of the skill is created in a draft state. Then you can edit, save, and follow the process until the new copy is ready to be deployed. After the new copy is deployed, it replaces the existing deployed copy.

You can disable a skill and it is no longer accessible through the deployed or test states. You can select the skill and click Disable. The skill is removed from the deployed and test states. The skill is not deleted. You can enable the skill if you decide to edit or build the skill again. When you enable the skill, the state is changed to draft.

When you select Edit or View Details in the skills list, the latest version of the skill is displayed. The displayed skill may not be the deployed version that is available to users. To view the deployed version details, select the deployed indicator.

To delete a skill, the skill must be in a disabled state.