Trying out a skill

After you have defined a skill, you can try a skill that is in a draft state.

  1. Select the skill in the skill list. You can select more than one skill.
  2. Click Build to Test. The skills are moved to the test state. This process may take several minutes.
  3. After the build, a summary of the build is provided. If there are errors, download and view the log file.
  4. Access the skills in the Try It Out panel on the right side of the skills list page. These skills do not affect the production environment.
  5. To display the confidence score for intents when invoking a skill:
    1. Click i to the right of the response on the Try it Out panel.
    2. Expand the Initializing Lex Skill tab
    3. The currentIntent shows the confidence score under nluIntentConfidenceScore.
    4. Use alternativeIntents to explore the nluIntentConfidenceScore for alternative intents.
  6. To view the history of requests for the skill, click the information icon that is displayed when you hover over the conversation message.
    You can use the history information to determine errors or unexpected requests.