Response actions

These are the available response actions:
  • Message: Coleman Digital Assistant responds with the defined message via text or voice, depending on the mode of user interaction.
  • Navigate: Coleman Digital Assistant navigates to the specified URL, FavoriteContext URL, or secure external link beginning in https://.
    • If the URL starts with https://, then External link is displayed as the text for the navigation button.
    • If the URL does not start with https://, then Navigate is displayed as the text for the navigation button.
    • An optional confirmation prompt can be enabled. You can use the default confirmation prompt or replace it with your own. When enabled, the user receives the prompt before navigation. If the user says yes, navigation proceeds. If the user says no, the user will not navigate.
    • Use the Open in New Tab option in the Skill Builder to open the external link in a new tab.
  • Stop Skill: The skill ends. This is only available in the Requirement Fulfillment response.
  • Repeat Prompt: Repeat the prompt for the requirement being fulfilled. This is only available in Requirement Fulfillment response
  • Iframe URL: Opens an iframe in chat of the specified URL within Infor's applications. Iframe URLs are not supported in Microsoft Teams.
  • Graph: Shows a graph in chat.
    • You must specify a graph title.
    • You can select Bar, Column, Line, or Pie graphs.
    • You can label the x and y axes
    • Each axis must have a value. Values can be arrays of Strings or arrays of numbers. You can reference response variables as your axis values. Pie charts only have 1 value.
    • Select the Show Graph Example option to see a similar graph generated from a random dataset.
  • Chain skill - User-prompted: presents the user with one or more utterances of skills which they can invoke directly after the current skill.
    • Select a next skill from the list.
    • Select an utterance of that skill from the utterance list.
    • The utterance is used to dynamically generate the prompt. The prompt is presented to the user at the end of the skill. You can modify the prompt. If the user responds with one of the listed utterances, they are directed into the next skill’s flow.
    • You can map variables. Connect variables from the current skill (on the left) to the next skill (on the right) in the Map Variables overlay. Values mapped in this way will be passed from the current skill to the next skill. For example, if the current skill has the requirement itemName and the next skill has another requirement itemName, you can map them so that the next skill uses the same value for the itemName requirement rather than prompt the user for the item name twice.
    • You can add up to 4 possible Next Skills for the user to choose from. The final option is to stop skill which ends the conversation.
  • Chain skill - Automatic: skill chaining directs a skill to one specified next skill.
    • Select the next skill from the list.
    • You can enable a confirmation prompt. The user is prompted for a yes or no answer to proceed to the next skill that is chosen. You must define a confirmation and a cancellation prompt that is presented if the user declines.
    • You can map variables. Connect variables from the current skill (on the left) to the next skill (on the right) in the Map Variables overlay. Values mapped in this way will be passed from the current skill to the next skill. For example, if the current skill has the requirement itemName and the next skill has another requirement itemName, you can map them so that the next skill uses the same value for the itemName requirement rather than prompt the user for the item name twice.
    • This option is available from Requirement fulfillment as the Invoke Skill action.
  • Table: supports a table of data provided by the user.
    • Optionally, specify the message to be displayed when the table response is sent to the user.
    • Optionally, specify the title of the table.
    • Optionally, specify column labels with column values defined as variables in the Skill Builder.
    • The table supports up to 5 rows of values.
    • This option is supported on Microsoft Teams.