Multiple choice requirement type

Multiple choice requirement type offers the user up to 250 options to select as the requirement. Each option supports up to 10,000 characters.

You can give each option a title and a value. The title is displayed to the user. The value is not displayed but can be referenced in the skill builder for skill execution purposes.

To reference the requirement title, specify the requirement name in brackets. For example, {RequirementName}. The corresponding value can be referenced in parameters or responses by specifying {RequirementName.value}. The value of the selected multiple-choice option is passed instead of the title.

When a using a skill that has a multiple-choice requirement type in Infor Chat, the prompt is displayed as text, followed by a series of buttons corresponding to the options defined in the requirement type. The user selects an option or type it to make the selection. The value is then passed to Coleman Digital Assistant and used in the skill.

This is how the choices are displayed:

  • Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le, Infor Go, or Microsoft Teams:
    • If the skill has 6 or less requirement options, then 1 to 6 options are displayed for the user to select.
    • If the skill has more than 6 requirement options, then a list is displayed with all options that fulfill the requirement.