Skill Builder process flow

Before you start building skills with Coleman Digital Assistant Skill Builder, you should have an understanding of each required step in the process to create a skill.

The flow process takes you through the required steps to create a skill. At any point in the process, you can save your skill or cancel. A skill starts in a draft state.

Note: You must be assigned one these user roles to create skills:
  • ColemanDA-Advanced
  • ColemanDA-Admin

This is the process flow:

Step Page Information
1 Basic Skill Information Specify basic information to identify and describe the skill.
2 Fulfillment Specify your fulfillment type. This determines how your skill runs and the fields that are required throughout the flow. These are the fulfillment types:
  • Basic Fulfillment: Uses basic user input and logical conditions to give basic responses. This is the least complex fulfillment type.
  • API Fulfillment (default): Uses an API call to send and receive information, run commands, etc. This is the most complex type.
3 Requirements Specify the inputs required by the user to run the skill and how this information is obtained.
4 Utterances and Confirmation prompt Specify the utterances that users provide to prompt your skill. Additionally, specify if confirmation from the user is required before the skill is run.
5 Response Specify the information received from an API and set the logic for the response provided to the user.
6 Summary Review the information that is specified for the skill.