
Use requirement types to determine if an appropriate response is given to a prompt during a skill. Requirement types for Infor Coleman Digital Assistant skills are specified in the Requirements section.

Limit the skill to as few requirements as possible. We recommend a maximum of 3 requirements per skill. Additional requirements increase run time and cost. The first requirement prompt should imply what skill was invoked. For example, Which employee would you like to promote? instead of Which employee?. When asking for a full name, we recommend defining separate requirements for first and last name.

Requirements can be defined as optional or required. In the Skill Builder, Infor Coleman Digital Assistant will elicit or prompt all optional requirements up to the next required requirement. For example, if a skill has 5 requirements (1 required, then 3 optional, followed by 1 required), Infor Coleman Digital Assistant will elicit the optional requirements between the two required fulfillments.

If your requirement must be in a certain format, ensure that the requirement prompt provides an example. For example, Please provide a phone number in this format: (123)-456-7890.

See the Infor Coleman Digital Assistant User Guide for additional information on requirement types.