Infor API Flow

The Infor API Flows suite is automatically created when a tenant-administrator creates an API flow in ION. This suite shows all the active API flows as endpoints.

These API flows can be tried out by clicking the documentation icon. A swagger is shown with query parameters and body generated from the configuration from ION.

By default, API flows are synchronous.

API flows can be invoked in an asynchronous mode by setting an additional parameter on the API call: ionapiRespStyle=[sync|async]

  • When an API flow is invoked in an asynchronous mode, API Gateway returns a session ID immediately and executes the actual flow in the background: { "started": 1634291722075, "status": "RUNNING", "flowId": "008bba7d-c8cc-479c-9eb2-0b631cecbb9f“ }
  • The client must return to retrieve the final response based on the session ID within 2 hours: Get endpoint/ionapi/apiflow/v1/TENANT/result/ { Unknown macro: \{apiflowid}}
  • If the data is not retrieved within 2 hours, the API Gateway discards the results.