Viewing BaaS documentation

  1. Select Backend as a service > Documentation.
  2. Click the folder icon to the left of a documentation type to display options:
    • Administration

      See the instructions in the "Backend As A Service" chapter of the Infor API Gateway Administration Guide in the Infor OS User and Administration Documentation Library (Cloud) on Infor Documentation Central.

    • Code

      Review all code examples. The examples assume that the "context" variable is available. This variable is included in all the service-generated functions.

    • Extension

      Learn of the various aspects of the BaaS developer tool extension in Visual Studio Code

    • Manual

      Read about the different areas of BaaS, from installation to service creation, and how different areas within the service work.

    • Support

      Here you can learn how to resolve issues experienced in BaaS.

    • Tools

      BaaS tools consist of a browser-based Administrator tool and a Developer tool as extensions in the free development environment of Visual Studio Code, build on Open Source and running on Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

  3. Continue to use the folder icons to drill down to more levels of information. Use the resulting breadcrumb trail at the top of the page to return to higher levels of information.