JQ Transform

You can select this activity to filter a JSON file. JQ is a JSON processor that can be used to slice, filter, map, and transform JSON data.

This table lists the properties for the activity

Property Type Property Name Description
Input JSON Input JSON data to be filtered. The JSON data is considered as the value part in a dictionary editor along with a key of the user's choice (*).

Example: Consider these JSON inputs:


Both these JSON inputs are combined and are used for JSON Input argument.

Filter The JQ expression for the JSON file that must be filtered. The Filter input requires a JQ expression or filter. Using the combined JSON in the above example, the filter and corresponding output can be:
Filter ".key2.data"
Result "fizz"
See the JQ documentation GitHub page for basic filters.
Raw Output The check box to designate Raw Output (*). The field indicates whether the double quotes (") must be removed from the resulting output of the expression applied. For example, 1001 instead of "1001".
Output JSON Output The filtered JSON output.
Response Code Response code for the activity. Possible values:
  • 200 to 290: Indicates a successful response or valid output.
  • 400 to 499: Indicates client error responses.
  • 500 to 599: Indicates server error responses.