Send Outlook Emails

You can select this activity to send an email message from Outlook.

This table lists the properties for the activity.

Property Type Property Name Description
Attachments Attachments List of files to be attached as a collection.
Email Body The body of the email message in string format.
Subject The subject of the email message in string format.
Input Account The account that must be used to send the email message in string format.
Sender Display Name The display name of the intended sender of the email message in string format.
Options IsBodyHTML Select this check box if the body of the email message is in HTML format. The default value is False.
IsDraft Select the check box if the email message is saved as a draft. The default value is False.
Receiver Bcc The hidden recipients of the email message in string format.
Cc The secondary recipients of the email message in string format.
To The main recipients of the email message in string format.