Orders to Expedite

This widget is used to view the total number of orders that must be expedited, for each customer.

You can view this data for each vendor:

  • Total open: Orders that are not yet paid.
  • Past due shipment: Orders that are past the due date for shipment.
  • Ship in 7 days: Orders that must be shipped in next 7 days.

You can click Review to view the full list of orders for the selected customer. The Orders to Expedite window is displayed. In this window, you can:

  • Filter the orders based on the order number and stages.
  • Click Line Details to view the line level data. You can click the product code to view the related details on the Product Availability Inquiry screen of the application.
  • Click Activities to view the activities related to the order. You can use the New Activity option to add a new activity to the order.
  • You can click Close to close the window. If an action is not taken, the reminder for the record is not turned off. If you take an action for an order, the order is removed from the widget.