System Administrator widgets

The System Administrator can use these widgets to view the required data:

  • My Day
  • ION API Health
  • Messages by Connection
  • Cloud Status
  • Exceptions
  • Sessions and Users
  • Important Links
  • Datalake Storage
  • Top 5 Connection Points

My Day

This widget displays the date, user's avatar, and the first name of the user.

ION API Health

This widget allows you to view the API related information for the specified time period:

  • ION API Performance: This tab displays the performance and target data of selected API Suite for selected time period. The data is displayed in the line chart format when the Overtime option is used. You can also view the count for performance, request, targets and response using the Average option.
  • ION API Call Count: This tab displays the number of call counts within the organization and from other organizations as well. The total number of call counts is displayed in the center of the Donut chart for the selected time period.
  • ION API Traffic: This tab displays the API call traffic across different suites. You can also view the total of all traffic calls.
    Note: The number that is displayed in red indicates failed API calls.
  • ION API Error: This tab displays the number of errors for the selected API Suite, Proxy and time period.

Messages by Connection

This widget is used to view the number of messages that have been sent, received, and are in queue for the selected time period. The number of messages with errors is also displayed. This connection point includes API and both the application connection point.

Cloud Status

This widget is used to view the user’s CSP(CloudSuite Portal) cloud status of each provision application. You can also view the status of products.

Note: Products enabled for Clous status in CSP will be displayed. All Customer products may not be enabled for CSP cloud status.


This widget is used to view the list of exceptions from various applications like ION, IDM.

  • Persona Coleman Exception: This exception helps Persona Customers to review if they require full Colemand AI license. Persona leaning objects, for which the data size is more than 5 MB in last 24 hours, are considered under this Exception. To get this Exception fixed, Customers are recommended to acquire full Colemand AI license.
  • ION Error BODs: Unhandled ION Error BODs in last 24 hours are displayed in Exceptions widget for System Administrator’s review. Error BOD exceptions are grouped by Document Name.

    You can click Review to get the details of the Documents for which errors are present.

    You can review the error details and take appropriate actions such as: Fixing the issue related to the sending/receiving application. Once the issue is resolved, the administrator can use the Resubmit option corresponding to the failed records for reprocessing. The administrator can also use the failed Mark as Handled option to set the error documents status as Handled.

  • IDM Failed Jobs: The administrator can view the active IDM Jobs that have failed in the last 24 hours. The Failed jobs can be reviewed and fixed in the application. You can use the Reviewed option to snooze the exception and not display in the widget.
Note: User can review full list of Errors using the navigation tip provided in review window of IDM and ION Errors exceptions.

Sessions and Users

This widget is used to view the number of unique users and the number of Online sessions that are active for the particular tenant.

Important Links

This widget holds important static URLs such as Infor U, Concierge and CloudSuite Self Service Portal.

Datalake Storage

This widget is used to view the total number of objects in the repository and the storage utilization.

Top 5 Connection Points

This widget is used to view the number of received messages. You can view top 5 connection points that are consumed a lot. Other is used to provide the details of consumption of rest of the connection points other than top 5, all summated.

  • This widget has configuration to view the consumption for Infor applications and the 3rd party applications.
  • The count is same as for received messages for that particular time period and product.
Note: The Quick Refresh option is provided for selected widgets to get the updated data for a particular widget or you can use the Refresh option at the workspace level to refresh all widgets inside the workspace. You can view the date and time when the data is last updated.