FSM buyer

A Buyer is a person who purchases goods and services for an organization. A buyer is responsible for procuring goods and services for an organization, including sourcing, purchasing, and negotiation. This workspace also includes access to Employee Self Service. Use this workspace for your essential tasks and exceptions to manage critical information.

Standard widgets:

  • My Day: Shows a daily welcome message, the current date, and your name.
  • Announcements: This widget is used to distribute announcements to users throughout the organization. A system administrator can initiate broadcast notifications to all employees or they can target specific roles
  • On Your Radar: Shows alerts to help you to prioritize tasks and exceptions that require immediate action
  • Important Links: A list of frequently accessed records to use to stay current on your daily tasks
  • Upcoming Orders: Shows a preview of the upcoming week's deliveries, flagging potential exceptions for your review
  • Quick Actions: Access to tasks that you perform most often
  • Ask Coleman: A question-and-answer tool to find information about vendors. You can answer one or two clarifying questions and the response is displayed in the chat window