Quick actions

This widget provides instant access to the frequently used tasks and shortcuts, to improve the efficiency and convenience for a user .

These quick access options are available:

  • Check price and availability: Use this option to inquire about costs and stock availability of the selected item.
  • Look up customer: Use this option to quickly access the customer profiles and relevant information.
  • Create customer activity: Use this option to efficiently record and manage customer interactions, which enables the CSR to have a streamlined communication tracking and thereby, improving the customer relationship management.
  • View my open orders: Use this option to view all the open orders till date.

Check price and availability

When you click this option, the Check Item Price and Availability window is displayed wherein you can search products based on Customer, Product and Warehouse. For each product, the quantity and prices are displayed. You can click the product code to view the related details on the Customer Pricing Inquiry screen of the application.

Look up customer

When you click this option, the Look Up Customer window is displayed wherein you can view the customer profiles and the relevant information. You can click the name of the customer to view the related details on the Customer Inquiry screen of the application. You can click the email address or the Email option, if available. The configured email application is opened and the customer email address is defaulted. You can click the phone number, if available. The application configured for a phone call is opened and you can initiate a call with the customer.

Create customer activity

When you click this option, the Create Customer Activity window is displayed wherein you can specify and click Submit to save the details of a new customer.

View my Open Orders

When you click this option, the View my open orders window is displayed wherein you can view the all open orders till date. You can click the order number or the View all open orders option to view the related details on the Order Inquiry screen of the application.