Creating an external entity profile

  1. Click the Profile icon to access the user menu.
  2. Click External Entity Management. The External Entities page is displayed.
  3. Click the menu list icon to the left of the page title to display the left navigation pane.
  4. Click External Entity Profiles to display the External Entity Profiles page.
  5. Click the add (+) icon.
  6. Specify the Name and Description.
  7. Optionally, specify these settings:
    • Max Number of External Users
    • From Email Address
    • Terms of Use URL
    • Contact Us URL
    • Policy URL
    • Registration Email Template
    • Confirmation Email Template
    • Account Locked Email Template
    • Forgot Password Email Template
    • MFA Email Template
    • Email Logo
    • Login Page Logo
    • Add/Delete External Authorized Components and Applications
  8. Click the save icon.