Widget not available or restricted

If a widget is not available to you for some reason, the widget is replaced on the page with a deactivated icon with The widget is not available message.

If access to a widget is restricted, the widget is replaced on the page with a restricted icon with the You are not authorized to view this widget message.

Click the widget menu icon (…) on the widget title bar and select About to access more information about the broken or restricted widget. The About dialog displays the widget ID, the widget upon which the selected widget is based, and a description of the reason why the widget is broken or restricted.

If the widget is unavailable or restricted, contact the page owner. The page owner is displayed in My Pages and the Page Catalog, after the By <user> label in the Page Card header. If the user is System, contact your administrator.

Possible reasons for a broken widget on a page are:

  • The widget was deleted from the Widget Catalog.
  • The widget was restricted, and you do not have view permissions.
  • The standard widget upon which this widget is configured was:
    • Restricted by an administrator
    • Removed