Security Role to Security Access Profile mapping

To use this feature, the EnableSecRoleMappingToSAP flag must be activated, and a security access profile must be created. For information about security access profiles, see Security Access Profiles.

To map security roles to security access profiles:

  1. Click User Management from the User Profile menu.
  2. Click Configure.
  3. Click Security Role to Security Access Profile Mapping.
  4. Click + Add. The Add Mapping dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select a Security Role and a Security Access Profile from the available dropdown lists.
    Note: Security access profiles that are not associated with security roles take precedence. As an administrator, you can order the mapping on this page. You cannot associate the IFSApplicationAdmin security role to the security access profile.
  6. Click Save.
    Note: Mapped security roles and profiles can be deleted by clicking the delete (trash can) icon.