Modifying a process

Use the Processes page to modify a process.

  1. Click the arrow option corresponding to a process name. The process details page displays the list of available RPA Admins and RPA users in the Users and Admins tab respectively. This page also displays the list of RPA Admins and RPA users that have been assigned permissions to the process.
  2. Click Add in the relevant tabs to add users and admins to the process, if required. The added Admins and Users are displayed in the respective tabs on the page.
    Note: This functionality is available only if the logged-on user is assigned to the RPA-Admin role.
  3. Click the Argument Scoping tab to finalize a draft process.
    Note: This tab is displayed only when you modify a process with the draft status.
  4. Select the scope for the argument. Possible values:
    • User
      Note: You can select the Secure check box to secure the argument.
    • Process
    You can enable the Copy Argument Values option to copy arguments from an older version to a new version of the same process.
  5. Click Save to finalize the process. The Process page is displayed with the process marked as finalized
  6. Navigate to process again and click the arrow option corresponding to the process.
  7. Specify values for arguments in the User Arguments tab if arguments are associated to the process.
  8. Click Save to save the modifications.