Jobs list

Use the Jobs page to review the list of jobs available in the application.

To access this page, select Manage > Jobs on the navigation bar.

You can review this information

Job Name
The name of the job.
The process for which the job is created.
Process Version
The version number of the process.
Start Date
The start date and time of the process execution.
End Date
The end date and time of the process execution.
The status of the process.
The action you can perform when reviewing the processes.

You can also use this page to:

  • Add a new job
  • Search for a job using the Search option
  • Refresh the list of displayed jobs
  • Run a process using the Execute Job option. The progress of the job can be monitored on the Automation Tasks page.
  • Delete an existing job, using the Delete option.
    Note:  The Delete option is displayed only when you select a job to delete.
  • Disable a job, using the Disable option.
    Note: The Disable option is displayed only when you select a job to disable.
  • Enable a job, using the Enable option.
    Note: The Enable option is displayed only when you select a job to enable.