Authenticating using JSON Web Tokens

Grid supports communication with Infor Ming.le Authorization Service for validation of JSON Web Tokens. This functionality is only applicable for application running in Infor Ming.le. The Grid functionality for JSON Web Tokens is limited to validating tokens in server-to-server communication.
Note: Creating JWT's, and handling client credentials or IDs is managed within the logic of the application. See the Infor Ming.le Authorization Service documentation for details (Infor Ming.le Cloud Edition Online Help).

Enabling validation of JSON web tokens for Infor Ming.le applications:

  1. Ensure that Token authentication is enabled for the application router, to allow bearer tokens.
  2. Identify the url to Infor Ming.le Authorization Service for your environment, and copy it to the clipboard.
  3. Go to Configuration > Grid Properties.
  4. Specify jwt in the filter.
  5. Click
  6. In OpenID Configuration URI, click Edit.
  7. Paste the URL and click Save.
More advanced options can be configured in these properties:
  • JSON Web Token Audience -
  • JSON Web Token Endpoint Trust Certificate (Hardening) -
  • JSON Web Token Claims Services -