Nodes card view

The node name, and the JVM ID are displayed in the header of each card. This table shows the items in the summary node card:

Summary card items Description
Entity type Shows either node or router.
Node is Shows that the node is in any of these statuses:
  • OK
  • Offline
  • Stopping
  • Starting
  • Not Responding
  • Stale
  • Failed
  • Limited
Uptime Shows how long the node has been running for, or the time since the node last started.Select a specific node card to view the detailed card and access the context menu for nodes.
Errors Lists the numbers of errors in the node log since the Reset Log Counters was used. You can click a specific link to show the filtered log file.
Warnings Lists the number of warnings in the node log since the Reset Log Counters was used. You can click a specific link to show the filtered log file.

This table shows the additional items in the detailed node card:

Detailed node card items Description Additional information
Stop Node Click the link to stop the node immediately.
Management pages This link is active if node-specific management pages are available.
Application Shows either SYSTEM or the name of the application.
Host Shows the grid host in which the node is running.
PID Shows the system Process ID (PID) for the node.
Debug Port Shows the port opened for debugging. Only if the host router node is started in debug mode.
CPU Shows the approximate CPU usage.
Heap Shows the heap memory usage.
Run GC If required, click the icon to run the garbage collector.
Log Shows the link where you can view the node specific log.
Modules Select a specific node card to view the detailed card and access the context menu forShows the modules in the node, including their status. This field also shows the router that has ports allocated in it. Non-router nodes only.
Ports Gives an overview of the ports the node has allocated. Router nodes only.
Context menu The context menu contains additional node-related views and actions.

Node context menu

This table shows the items in the node context menu.

Node context menu items Description Additional information
Properties Displays all the node properties, Java system properties, and operation system environment variables for this node. It is possible to filter the content when searching for a specific property or value.
Log Levels Displays the log levels for this node. Changes are applied immediately, and are only valid until this specific node is stopped. See Configuring temporary log levels for specific nodes.
Threads The view presents a tree view of active threads in the node. Click a thread name to view stack trace, CPU usage, and other details. See Viewing threads.
Counters This view presents the counters for the node. See Viewing counters.
Proxies Lists all proxies registered in this node, including the type of proxy as well as the key expression.
Classpath Displays the classpaths for the modules in the node. Expand each module to view the classpaths.
Client Connections Lists the number of active proxy clients connected to this node. Routers only.
Connection Dispatchers Lists all connection dispatchers for the host, grouped by router. Routers only. See Connection Dispatchers.
Connection Handlers Lists the connection handlers active in this node, as well as the number of active connections. Application nodes only.
Node Capacity Enables setting a threshold for the relative number of requests accepted for this node. See Node Capacity.
Reset Log Counters Starts a task that clears the error and warning counters for this node, both system and application counters.
Set Offline/Online Sets the node offline. The node will not accept any new requests until it is set Online again. See To put individual application nodes in an offline state.
Thread Dump Starts a task that creates a thread dump for the node.
Heap Dump Starts a task that creates a heap dump for the node.
Kill Immediately terminates the node process.