Pausing receiving messages

To pause receiving messages from ION:

  1. Select Connect > Active Connection Points.
  2. Select the connection point that must be paused for receiving messages.
  3. In the Receiving Paused column, click Pause. The page is automatically refreshed and the Receiving Paused check box is selected.
    A Resume button becomes available.
Receiving messages by the connection point is paused. It is relevant for scenarios which are receiving documents in ION. Application - Receive in application, File - Write, API - Send to API, Database - Write and so on. No new messages are delivered to the destination. All new incoming messages to this connection point are parked in its incoming pending messages queue inside ION. The connection point still processes messages that were already picked up from the incoming pending messages queue. This action can take some time in the background even though the receiving status of the connection point is already changed to Paused.

In OneView the timeline of messages that are paused is incomplete. It indicates that a message originated from a source connection point. The receiving connection point is not part of this timeline because it has not yet consumed this message.

Receiving of messages must be paused with caution. After receiving is paused, messages start queuing up at the incoming pending messages queue of the connection point. This can result in a gradual increase of queue size. If you enable the error reporting setting, ION automatically sends a warning email when this queue starts building up.

For more information, see "Receiving emails for exceptions".