Removing messages from the inbox and outbox tables

ION Service removes messages from the COR_OUTBOX_ENTRY and COR_OUTBOX_HEADERS tables. Removing these messages is achieved in these ways:

  • The message is deleted after it is successfully sent by ION Service.
  • The message is deleted if it has been successfully sent and is older than XX hours. ION Service checks for expired messages when it is started, and then checks every hour.

By default, the second option is used. By not deleting the messages immediately, the Manage tab in ION monitors the COR_OUTBOX_ENTRY table and reports the number of processed and unprocessed messages. To change this behavior, set the application polling property within ION:

Delete Processed Messages=true

Therefore, ION Service deletes the message after it is sent.

ION Service does not remove messages from the COR_INBOX_ENTRY/COR_INBOX_HEADERS tables. The application must provide the code to clean up these tables. If the tables are not cleaned up, the file system of the database server can get full.