Document Search

After you have selected Document Management in the app switcher you are taken to a comprehensive search that pulls from documents’ properties and attributes.

To conduct a search, you can use these fields:

  • Free text search

    This can be enabled at a document type level from within the control center.

  • Document types
  • Attributes
    Note: Some attributes, such as Created by and Checked out by, contain a user name. If the value of such an attribute is a deleted user name, the document is not searchable by that name.
  • Operation

    To define the behavior of the indicated search parameters.

  • Value

    To specify a particular value based on your ‘operations’ logic. For example:

    • Select Customer Invoice in Document type field.
    • Select Status in Attributes field.
    • Select !=Not equal in the Operation field.
    • Type approved in the Value field.
    • Click Search… Or extend the Query. Click the plus button to include another layer of search using the same fields.

    The example is searching for all customer invoices that are not approved.

    For date and time values, you can use the IDM Date Picker. Use the calendar icon to specify a date or time. This icon is only displayed with date and time values. Alternatively, specify a date or time in this format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

    Note: You can apply multiple search criteria within a single search.

There is also an additional search option:

  • Show XQuery

    This field shows the current XQuery being used by Document Management. You can use this field to create custom XQueries to search with. Alternatively, you can paste in an XQuery that you have copied from somewhere else.

Possible actions after the search has returned results

On the Document Management search page, you can:

  • Select the sort order options.
  • Click one of these display icons:
    • Details
    • Thumbnails
    • Card
  • Select one or more documents. Select the check box next to the document ID to select actions that are related to the selected documents. With the correct security authorizations, you can select:
    • Display
    • Checkout
    • Download
    • Delete
    • Copy