data (Java class DataFile)

A complete file sent from the client that is base64-encoded. Use this option for documents or data that is not stored in Document Management. We recommend that you store a file in Document Management if possible and then retrieve it with one of these file types: pid, xquery, or template.

Attribute name Value Type Description
type "data" string The file object type.
base64 string Base 64 encoded document.
filename Example:"Invoice_234525.xml" string The name of the file or data.
item Optional file object containing a data file object data file object If there is an item target defined, then you can override the item defined in the item target with this value. If no item target is defined, then this value is ignored.

This is an example of this input type in JSon:

    "type": "data",
    "base64": "dGVzdA==",
    "filename": "MyData.xml",