Performing other actions

When editing or viewing a document, these buttons are available:

  • Share

    Shares the document through AirDrop, Message, Mail, Notes, iBooks, or another 3rd party application. You can also print the document.

    This button is displayed in the upper-right corner of the page.

  • Cancel

    Tap Cancel if you no longer want to edit the document and do not want to save changes. You are prompted whether you want to discard the check out. If you tap Yes, the document is checked in without saving the changes. If you tap No, the document stays checked out and changes are not saved.

    This button is only available if the document is checked out. It is displayed in the upper-left corner of the page.

  • Save

    Saves the changes. You are prompted whether you want to check in the document. If you tap No, the changes are saved but the document stays checked out. If you tap Yes, the changes are saved and the document is checked in. In both cases, you return to the document properties page.

    This button is only available if the document is checked out. It is displayed in the upper-right corner of the page.

  • Back

    Returns you to the previous page of the application in which you were viewing the documents.

    This button is displayed in the upper-left corner of the page.