Using Compass query APIs

With Compass APIs, you can query and retrieve data that is stored in the data objects from Data Lake.
  • Compass APIs are not available in AWS GovCloud.
  • Compass version 2 APIs are available in the Infor Data Fabric API Gateway Suite. Compass version 1 APIs remain in the ION API Gateway Suite.
  • Compass version 1 and version 2 APIs are deprecated in the ION API Gateway Suite and will be removed in October 2023. We recommend that you use the Compass endpoint from the Infor Data Fabric Suite instead.

To run a query, you can use these methods:

  • Post a Compass job to receive a unique Query ID for the job.
  • Use the Compass status method and Query ID for the job to retrieve its status.
  • Use the Compass results method and the Query ID for the job to retrieve the results of a finished job.

Interface and consumption methods are exposed through the Compass endpoint that is registered within the API Gateway Suite for Infor Data Fabric.

For information about how to use API Gateway and how to interact with Swagger documentation for the API methods, see ION documentation.

For more details on Data Lake Compass and querying data objects, see Querying the Data Lake

  • Compass V2 APIs are intended to replace the prior version and bring these new capabilities to the functionality:
    • Pagination
    • Limit parameter
    • Offset parameter

    Version 1 returns a full result set in the /result call. In Version 2 the result set is retrieved in row sets or pages.

    The selection parameters Limit and Offset on the rows of the result can be used in V2 at /result method level only.

  • The content-type HTTP header is required for any client software using Compass V2 APIs. The content-type must be text/plain.
  • Compass Version 1 and Version 2 APIs are deprecated in the ION API Gateway suite and are removed in October 2023. We recommend that you use the Compass endpoint from the Infor Data Fabric suite instead.

The version 2 Compass APIs provide a method to query Compass and return the results in small, more manageable, record sets.

Select an optimal size to download query results based on hardware constraints and network timeouts. This allows also the re-retrieval of a portion of the result in the event of a connection failure. The result of a query is static. The result does not change when data is added or updated in Data Lake. The page size is based on rows, with a maximum limit of 100,000 rows with a 10 MB size limit. The version 2 Compass APIs functionality uses OFFSET and LIMIT parameters for the result set retrieved. Query results are available for roughly 20 hours after receiving the FINISHED status. The query is associated with the method used to run the query. You cannot run a query in the Compass UI and then check the status or retrieve the results through the API. The query is available only to the tenant and principal ID that submitted the job. If you run a query, someone else cannot query for the status or retrieve the results.

This table shows the imposed quotas per method per tenant:

Method Calls


up to 100 calls per minute


up to 1000 calls per minute


up to 10000 calls per minute


up to 1000 calls per minute

Interface and consumption methods are exposed through the Compass API Service registered within the API Gateway suite for Infor Data Fabric.

For more information on how to use API Gateway and how to interact with Swagger documentation for the API methods, see ION documentation.