Monitoring a pipeline

You can monitor your pipeline on the pipeline’s Overview tab. Monitoring gives you insight into how much data are being processed in the pipeline.

To go to Overview:

  1. Go to the list of pipelines.
  2. Select the pipeline.

  1. Go to the Overview tab.
    On the overview of a page, you can see these sections:
    • Replay Queue
    • Pipeline Monitoring

    The Replay Queue chart is described in Replay Queue.

    Pipeline monitoring is separated for:

    • Live data
    • Initial load

    Pipeline monitoring consists of these charts:

    • Processed – Records processed by the pipeline.
    • Delivered – Records successfully loaded to the destination.
    • Errors – Processed records that failed to be delivered to destination. These records can be found in the Replay Queue.
    • Replayed – Records that were replayed from Replay Queue.

    By default, the charts display a timeframe for the last 15 minutes.

  2. To change the period for which the charts are displayed:
    1. Click the drop-down list in the top right corner of the monitoring section.
    2. Select the period to show the pipeline activities.
      Depending on the selected period, the granularity differs:
      • Last 15 min – data point every 30 seconds
      • Last 1 hour – data point every 2 minutes
      • Last 24 hours – data point every 1 hour
      • Last 7 days – data point every 1 day

      Charts are automatically refreshed every 15 seconds.