Coleman Digital Assistant

Deprecation warning for utterances containing String requirements

When a skill with utterances containing requirements of a String type is saved, a warning is now displayed that this functionality will no longer be supported in the upcoming Lex V2 Release.

Deprecation warning for Company and Person requirements

When a skill that contains a Company or Person Requirement type is saved, a warning is now displayed detailing that this functionality will no longer be supported in the upcoming Lex V2 Release.

Markdown links open in the same tab

When you click a Markdown hyperlink, any navigation stays within the same tab.

Requirement fulfillment

When a skill with a requirement (an utterance with a requirement contained) is invoked, that requirement's pre- and post-fulfillment is not performed until it is elicited in the skill's normal flow.

Elicit requirement

The Elicit Requirement response action has been removed from the pre-requirement fulfillment.