Using the Context Viewer

The Context Viewer is a context widget designed to help developers intercept and analyze the context messages sent from the applications.

The Context Viewer displays the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) messages sent in context from the application and displays them in two formats on tabs in the context widget.

The first tab, JSON Object View, contains a version of the JSON string that is parsed, formatted, and easy to read.

The second tab, JSON Text View

At the bottom of the context widget, the Status is displayed. If the status displays , contains the JSON message in the format sent by the application. Not Subscribed for any messages, the context widget is not receiving messages in context.

This table shows the currently supported message types:

Description of the message type Message type
Infor Business Context inforBusinessContext
Contact (person, company, e-mail address) contactContext
Set Shortcut Context setShortcutContext
, contains the JSONAdd Favorite addFavoriteContext
Show Favorite (for internal use only) showFavoriteContext
Context Help contextHelp
Text Message textMessage
Search Request searchRequest
Business Search businessSearch
Contextual URL contextualURL

To begin receiving messages in context, complete the instructions in Configuring the Context Viewer to subscribe to a message type to subscribe to a message type.