Alert List widget

You can add the Alert List widget from the Widget Catalog. The Alert List widget displays a list of all open alerts sent to the current user.

The alert list is updated automatically based on notification events sent from the server. A maximum of 200 alerts is shown. The Maximum Number of Alerts Displayed setting from the Infor OS Portal General Settings does not apply to this widget.

You can configure the Alert List widget by clicking the configure option from the options menu. On the Configure Widget overlay panel, you can select these options for the list of alerts:

  • Sort the current list of alerts by selecting either the newest or older option from the Order by drop-down.
  • Filter the list of alerts by:
    • Due date: All, Overdue, Today, Tomorrow, or Later.
    • Search criteria
    • Category
    • Time: All, Today, Yesterday, or Older.
    • Assigned status
    • Escalated status

    If the list is filtered, a filter icon is shown in the widget header with an indication of how many alerts are visible from the total available.

  • Specify the Items Load Order preference that applies when there are more than 200 alerts. The available options are:
    • Newest First - to retrieve the most recent 200 alerts based on creation date
    • Oldest First - to retrieve the oldest 200 alerts based on creation date
    • High Priority, Newest First - to retrieve the highest priority and newest 200 alerts
    • High Priority, Oldest First - to retrieve the highest priority and oldest 200 alerts

Each ION alert has multiple actions that are displayed as actionable icons when you hover over the ION alert:

  • Unassign, if already assigned to you
  • Assign to me, if not assigned to you
  • Done, if assigned to you
  • Click the alert item in the list to open the alert details overlay panel

By using the multi-select feature, you can also mark the selected alerts as Unassigned, Assign to me, or Done with one action.