Editing widget and smart panel notification settings

Contextual widgets communicate with the main application and show relevant content when it is available. A blue dot indicator notifies you of new updates on the widget header. A blue dot indicator is also displayed on the content icon when the smart panel is collapsed or a widget with a notification is not visible. You can control how to clear the notifications.

  1. Click User Menu.
  2. Select User Settings > General.
  3. Select one of these options:
    Smart Panel Notifications
    No notification
    Appear for 5 seconds and then disappear
    Disappear after all widgets notifications are manually cleared
    Widget Notifications
    Appear for 5 seconds and then disappear
    Appear for 5 seconds and then disappear
    Notification Time
    You can choose between 1 to 20 seconds to make notification disappear after a certain amount of seconds
  4. Click Save.