Adding Infor CloudSuite to Azure AD

  1. Log on to the Azure Portal as a global administrator.
  2. Click Azure Active Directory, then Enterprise Applications.
  3. Click + New Application.
  4. Search for Infor CloudSuite in the Application Gallery.
  5. Select Infor CloudSuite. Specify a Name in Infor CloudSuite <ENV> (PRD, TST, TRN, and so on) and click Create.
  6. From the Application Home, select Manage > Single sign-on. Select SAML as the sign-on method.
  7. Click Upload metadata file, select the ServiceProviderSAMLMetadata_MM_DD_YYYY.xml file downloaded from previous steps. Click Add.
  8. Click Save under Basic SAML Configuration. Click the X icon to close the section.
  9. Click No, I’ll test later on the test single sign-on message.
  10. Navigate to Attributes & Claims and click Edit. Ensure that the Unique User Identifier (Name ID) under Required claim is mapped to the Email address claim. If required, modify the claim by clicking the claim and selecting the Email address claim from the available Source Attributes. Click Save. Click the X icon to close the section.
    Attributes and Claims
  11. Navigate to SAML Signing Certificate. Click the Federation Metadata XML download link to download the metadata file required to configure Infor CloudSuite.
  12. Optionally, edit the SAML Signing Certificate section and change the Signing Option to Sign SAML response and assertion. Click Save. Click the X icon to close the section.
  13. Select Manage > Users and groups. Assign all users and groups that require access to Infor CloudSuite. Save any changes.