Adding Infor CloudSuite to Okta

  1. Log on to the Okta portal as an administrator.
  2. From the left-hand menu, click Applications under Applications.
  3. Click Create App Integration. Select OIDC – OpenID Connect as the Sign-in method and Web Application as the Application type. Click Next.
  4. Specify an App integration name for Infor CloudSuite <ENV> (PRD, TST, TRN, and so on.).
  5. Under Sign-in redirect URIs, specify the Infor CloudSuite Callback URL value from previous steps. Under Assignments, select the Allow everyone in your organization to access option. Click Save.
  6. In the Client Credentials section, copy and save the Client ID and Client secret values for use in later steps.
  7. From the left-hand menu, navigate to Security > API.
  8. Click the default Authorization Server link located under Name.
  9. Under Settings, copy and save the Metadata URI value so it can be used in later steps.