
This hint is used to return all variations of a record from the Data Lake.

For details and examples, see Variation handling.

The hint may be used to specify one or more data objects used in the query. Alternatively, you may use object aliases if the object is referenced more than once in a query.


--*includeAllVariations=<<dataobject or alias>>/<<dataobject or alias>>

Add the hint before the first line of the query. The syntax is --*includeAllVariations and is case-insensitive. Do not use spaces or other characters in a hint. After the = , specify one or more data objects or aliases used in the query. Separate each value with a forward slash / . A data object reference applies to all data object references in the query, regardless of aliases. An alias reference applies the hint logic to the specific data object alias references only. Any data objects or alias that are not referenced in a hint, by default, return the maximum variation of each record, excluding records in which the maximum variation is deleted.

You can use the infor.allvariations() table function as an alternative to the includeAllVariations query hint.