Select all variations of each record

Select all variations of records, regardless of the deleted indicator status or archived indicator status.

This logic is used to return historic and current records. It can be used for auditing purposes and viewing the results of incremental data loads. The logic is useful to find a specific variation of a record. For example, finding the version of the record when the record was created or updated to a specific status.

An Infor table function can be used to select all variations of all records including deleted and archived records.

Selecting all variations returns the results as shown in this table:

Company IdentifierPath ProductID IdentifierPath Description Price Variation VariationPath DeletedFlag DeleteIndicator ArchivedFlag ArchiveIndicator
001 991041 Bike 300 1 false false
001 991041 Bike 350 2 true false
002 222333 Scooter 129 1 false false
002 222333 Scooter 132 2 false true
003 12345 Skateboard 175 1 false false
003 12345 Skateboard 195 2 true false
003 12345 Skateboard 205 3 false false

The results include all variations of all records, regardless of status.