Adding ADFS configuration to Infor CloudSuite

  1. Log on to the Infor CloudSuite tenant portal with an administrator account.
  2. Click an account name (person icon in the top right) to populate the user menu.
  3. Select User Management from the User Menu options.
  4. Click the Security Administration drop-down and select Federated Security.
  5. Expand Federated Security and click the plus (+) icon to add a federated connection.
  6. Select the SAML 2.0 Enabled option.
  7. Select the Authenticate with InforSTS option.
  8. Specify ADFS in the Display Name field.
  9. In the Import SAML Metadata section, click From File and select the ADFS metadata file previously downloaded. Click Import. The Issuer, Identity Provider Certificate, Assertion Consumer Service, and Single Logoff Service parameters are populated from the metadata file. Enable Identity Provider Single Logoffs is optional. When enabled, the application logs out from the identity provider.
  10. Leave Identity is a NameIdentifier element of the Subject statement as the default value for Assertion Identity Key.
  11. Leave Username as the IFS user lookup field.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Optionally, select the JIT User Provisioning Enabled check box. Specify these values:
    Claim URL
    First Name claim
    Last Name claim
    Email Address claim
  14. Click Save.
  15. From the same screen, click View under Service Provider Information. Click Export SAML Metadata to download the metadata file required to configure ADFS.