Adding Infor CloudSuite to Azure AD

  1. Log on to the Azure Portal as a global administrator.
  2. Click Azure Active Directory, then App registrations.
  3. Click + New registration.
  4. Specify a Name for Infor CloudSuite <ENV> (PRD, TST, TRN, and so on.).
  5. Under Redirect URI, select Web as the platform and specify the Infor CloudSuite Callback URL value saved from previous steps. Click Register.
  6. Copy and save the Application (client) ID value in the Essentials section so it can be used in later steps.
  7. Click Endpoints. Copy and save the OpenID Connect metadata document URL so it can be used in later steps. Click the X icon to close the section.
  8. Select Manage > Certificates & Secrets.
  9. Click + New client secret. Specify a description for Infor CloudSuite OIDC and change the Expires field to 24 months. Click Add.
  10. Copy and save the value for the newly created client secret so it can be used in later steps.