
Gen3 Migrate scheduler

The Gen3 Migrate Scheduler job was sending all five Infor Ming.le repositories to the SearchMingle Reindex SQS under a single message. This was causing a timeout exception within the Infor Ming.le Lambda, which subscribes to this SQS, since the operation to reindex all five repositories is a lengthy one.

To overcome this, the Gen3 Migrate job now sends a single repository per SQS message, so that the Infor Ming.le Lambda can consume one repository at a time instead of all five.


The Gen3 Migration Scheduler job response was reporting only claimedDocCount and accountedDocCount on the repository level.

The total claimedDocCount and total accountedDocCount are now included across all repositories of an application.

Adapting to migration changes

The Gen3 Parent Migration job has been updated:
  • Adapted the Gen3 Migration job payload it constructs to meet the latest requirements
  • A refactor code is available to meet better coding practices
  • Added a new payload attribute: dryRun
  • Added a new payload attribute: maxTenantTargetsSize
  • Added a new payload attribute: tenantBatchSize