Infor Coleman Digital Assistant

Markdown for text formatting

Coleman DA uses Markdown actions that enable you to use these actions for text formatting:

  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Strikethrough
  • Numbered list
  • Unordered list
  • Hyperlinks
  • Headings
  • Multi-line code block
  • In-line code block

Furthermore, the skill builder enables you to modify the size of the text box when you format a response.

Table variable iterator

Coleman DA's table response can support iterations over variables that are an array of values. Furthermore, hyperlinks are accessible from a table response.

Reserve keywords for Skill, Cancel, and Help

Coleman introduces these reserve keywords:

  • Cancel
  • Stop
  • Help

These reserve words can be invoked any time during a Coleman conversation. If a reserve keyword is used in an utterance, Coleman displays a warning message that the conflicting utterance will not be pushed to Coleman. If a reserve keyword is the only utterance for a skill, Coleman will display an error message that reserved keywords cannot be the only utterance for a skill.

Confidence scores in Try It Out events

Coleman DA exposes the confidence scores for invoked skills when you use the Try It Out window. This enables the Coleman user to identify intent confidence for a skill to be recognized by Amazon Lex.

Optional header and title values for Table Response

Coleman no longer requires the Table Title and Column Label as required inputs when you use the Table Response action. If you decide to leave the optional column labels blank, the skill still can properly invoke a table response.

Microsoft Teams stability for proper sign-out

When Coleman signs out from Microsoft Teams, Coleman now responds with:

I am signing you out. Please wait a moment.

Upon successful sign-out, Coleman then responds:

You have been signed out. If you are switching Infor accounts, please completely restart Microsoft Teams before proceeding. Please enter your Infor Ming.le URL. If you need help finding your Infor Ming.le URL, please refer to our user guide.