Tracing and troubleshooting

For Infor Support to trace potential issues, a client application can provide trace context information in HTTP headers when calling the Ingestion API.

When we receive that tracing information, we can identify the request when providing support and troubleshooting. All information that is provided in the header is logged, despite what kind of tracing you use. Trace context headers and values are only used for support logging purposes. They are not stored on the data object or data object properties in Data LakeData Lake.

We do not validate the trace context values you are sending to us, but we recommend that you follow the W3W standard.

See this website:

For example, you can use one of these fields that are introduced as part of W3W standard:

This is the ID of the whole trace forest and is used to uniquely identify a distributed trace through a system. It is represented as a 16-byte array, for example: 4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736. All bytes as zero (00000000000000000000000000000000) is considered an invalid value.
This is the ID of this request as known by the caller. It is represented as an 8-byte array, for example,00f067aa0ba902b7. All bytes as zero (0000000000000000) is considered an invalid value.

When you run into issues and you use context trace headers in your Ingestion API requests, provide the trace information in your support incident.