Data Fabric

Compass: Validation of archiving metadata

Added additional Compass validation messages for situations where Data Catalog might have missing or invalid metadata property information. These messages are intended to help users fix the metadata so Compass queries against the table can return results.

Compass: Handle archived data

Archived data is by default not included in Compass query results. This is also the case when you use the infor.allvariations or infor.includeddeleted function.

These new functions are available for working with archived data:
  • infor.allvariationsincludearchived
  • infor.includearchivedanddeleted
  • infor.showarchived
  • infor.showallarchived

Additionally, a new generic infor.include function is available to retrieve any combination of data that is active, marked as archived, or marked as deleted. This function is available for all variations or the highest variation only.

For details, see the Infor Data Fabric User Guide.

Compass JDBC Driver: New version available

A new version of the Compass JDBC Driver is available. These enhancements are now included:
  • General bug fixes and enhancements
  • Improved logging to include additional debug information for enhanced customer support
  • Standardized versioning to be consistent with Infor policies (YYYY.MM)
  • Published Javadocs to supplement developer resources
  • Implemented logic that creates a connection warning when a new version of the Compass JDBC Driver is available
  • Added connection string properties for enhanced retry logic when retrieving the result set
  • Added the query.client.ChunkPullerConsecutiveRetries property, which sets the number of consecutive retries that are attempted when retrieving a result set. 2 is the default.
  • Added the query.client.supervisorInactivityCheckInterval property which sets the time interval, in seconds, that the JDBC Driver checks for result retrieval progress. If no progress is made, then an inactivity warning is logged. 90 seconds is the default.
  • Added the query.client.supervisorAllowedConsecutiveInactivityCheckFailures property, which sets the number of consecutive inactivity warnings allowed before terminating a query. Infinite is the default.

The Compass JDBC driver is no longer not available from the download center of the Support portal. The latest version can be retrieved from the Downloads page in ION Desk.

See driver connection properties for more details.

Metagraph: Support duplicate name handling on import

If one or more metagraphs in an import file have the same name as an existing metagraph, then you can choose one of these options:
  • Skip the import action for those metagraphs
  • Overwrite the existing metagraphs
  • Rename the duplicate metagraphs before proceeding with the import action
Previously, the import action would fail for any duplicates.

For details, see the Infor Data Fabric User Guide.

Metagraph APIs

A set of APIs is now available to interface with metagraphs in Data Fabric. You can create or update a metagraph, delete a metagraph, and retrieve a list of existing metagraphs or the details of a specified metagraph.

Swagger documentation is available in the Metagraphs endpoint in the Infor Data Fabric suite in ION API.

Data Lake: Store archived data

Data sent to Data Lake through the Ingestion API can be marked as archived. Such data are typically removed from the source application and stored in Data Lake only, to reduce storage cost.

In Atlas, archived data are marked as such, and you can use filtering to show or hide archived data. The retrieval API has options to include or exclude archived data, and the archive indicator is included in the response. When purging archived data through the user interface, you receive a warning. When purging through the API, you must set a specific indicator to include archived data in the purge action.

For details, see the Infor Data Fabric User Guide.