Data administration stored procedures

The Infor Data Catalog is the source of metadata definitions for Compass data objects, data object properties, and logic for variation handling. When you make metadata changes, use the administration stored procedures to clear outdated metadata definitions.

You can update the Data Lake data through the purge and archive processes and the process to mark objects as corrupt.

Compass is not automatically updated when object metadata is updated or when Data Lake data is purged, archived, or marked as corrupt.

Use the Compass stored procedures to perform administrative operations on Compass data storage, object definitions, and object views. You use the stored procedure to clear table, clear data, or reset data when Data Lake data is purged, archived, or marked as corrupt. Use the clear table or clear view procedures to update Compass for object metadata changes. You use the reset partitions stored procedure to resolve partition issues.

The administration stored procedure to clear table removes the Compass object definition and variation handling views. The clear table can clear table data object definitions with or without removing converted data. The data and object definitions are recreated the next time a query is processed for the affected data objects.