Using the LASTMODIFIED property

Note: The functionality to select the lastModified as a property can be deprecated in future releases. Therefore, we recommend that you use the infor.lastmodified() function instead.

See Use the INFOR.LASTMODIFIED() function in a WHERE clause for an incremental data load.

Select the lastmodified value in a query to return the timestamp that a record was added to the Data Lake.

When the query includes more data objects, such as a query with a join, use the lastmodified with a table or alias prefix on which the lastmodified value is based.

  • The lastmodified property is case-insensitive. When the query combines data from more than one data object, the lastmodified property must be prefixed with the data object or alias.
  • Using the infor.lastmodified() function is the recommended method because the lastModified name may conflict with properties in the data object.


select property1, property2, infor.lastModified()from object

Result: the lastmodified value is the Data Lake document timestamp in UTC.

Example for a query using multiple data objects:

select do1.property1, do2.property5, object1.lastmodified from object1 do1 inner join object2 do2 on do1.property1=do2.property1

Result: the lastmodified value is based on the record in object1.