Data Lake query error handling

Compass queries use messages categories to distinguish which part, or component, failed during the query execution.

These are the message categories:

  • SQL messages, for query errors that occur during the query process execution. The message code range for SQL messages is 200-399.
  • Process messages, for query errors that occur because of invalid data object or property references and query conversion issues. The message code range for SQL messages is 400-499.
  • Data storage messages, for queries that fail during the Compass data storage process. The message code range for data storage messages is 500-599.
  • Internal messages, for queries that fail for general errors. The message code range for data storage messages is 600-699.
  • Compass API messages. The message code range for API messages is 700-799.

Each query is associated with a unique query ID. The query ID is crucial to helping you and Infor Support investigate an error. A query ends on the first error. The error message includes the query ID, the timestamp in UTC, and other error details including the error category, error code and message. When reporting issues to Infor Support, include the full error message details, including the query ID, error timestamp and messages